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HostChaos Feedback Form
HostChaos Feedback
First Name
Your Email
Who do you wish your feedback to go to?
What services do you receive from HostChaos?
How often do you come in contact with HostChaos?
When you are in contact with HostChaos do you find that your issue is given remedy? Yes No
Sometimes you need to submit a support ticket, do you find this easy enough to do? Yes No
Do you find that you have effective support from HostChaos? Yes No
The last time you had to get support from HostChaos, how would you rate it? Use the scale of 1-10 (10 being the best)
If there was a anything you would change about the service you receive what would it be?
What is your preferred method of contact with HostChaos?
Do you believe that we act/respond in a reasonable response time? Yes No
Could you recommend more ways to be able to contact HostChaos?
Comments that you may wish to give us?