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Customer Relations Operator Application
Customer Relations Operator

Please note all fields are required.

Full Name
Gender Male Female
Do you accept working for HostChaos is completely voluntary?
Are you or have you ever been a HostChaos customer?
How often can you be around to do your job?
Why do you wish to apply for this job?
What makes you the best person for this job?
Have you ever had experience of running your own hosting business?
Are you able to maintain a professional attitude at all times even when it is difficult?
What makes a good Customer Relations Operator?
What should you encourage customers to use on the IRC help channel to get assistance?
What can you do to further your knowledge so you are able to assist HostChaos customers better?
What does the job of customer relations mean to you?
Do you have any experience with dealing with customers? If so, what?
How would you feel about being given tasks to do and complete before a deadline?
What is the level of your understanding of the English language?
Do you speak any other languages than English? If so which?
Do you have any specific qualifications that will help you excel at this job?
Remembering some customers are new to web hosting, how would you feel having to dedicate some time to customers who need more help than others?
How do you feel about having to work individually as well as part of a team at times?